Placement Options

Below you'll see the results when text and logos are placed 1, 2, 3, & 4 times. For maximum visibility, we strongly recommend placing text and logos 3 times. When repeated 3 times across a tier, text and logos are at optimal size and allows for your message to be seen from multiple vantage points. When repeated 4 times, your message can also be seen from multiple vantage points, however, logos and text will be much smaller, thus making it harder to read from a distance. When only placed 1 time, your message in its entirety will only be read if viewers walk around the entire station.

In the Power Tower Classic template, you will find a layer named “Guide Options”. You can chose from 2, 3, or 4x placement guides to help you evenly align your artwork based on your desired placement number.

Seamless Art

Once the wrap is applied to your station, all four tiers will have a seam where the wrap meets, which essentially creates a “back side” of the station. Keeping that in mind, please refrain from creating artwork that you intend to seamlessly connect. While it looks perfect on the flat mockup, the wrap is getting applied to a cylinder-shaped station and perfect alignment at the seams is not guaranteed.


Please be sure to either send us all fonts used or outline all fonts in your document before saving. If we don’t have the fonts used and they were not outlined, this will cause a delay in the production process and could effect your order ship out and delivery date. To quickly outline fonts, use the keyboard shortcut: Shift + Command + O.

High Res Print Ready

To ensure your artwork looks as great printed as it does on screen, please make sure all artwork and assets you use are CMYK and at least 300 PPI. You can check the resolution by going to the links tab in Illustrator or InDesign. If your artwork is less than 300 PPI, pixelation may occur causing your design to look blurry.

Sending Artwork

It’s almost time to send you artwork! Please read these last few steps: 

Please make sure only crop marks are turned on in the Live Area/Trim layer. Visible Area and Trim layers should be turned off. The warning label needs to be present, usually somewhere on the bottom tier, near the seam. File formats we accept are Illustrator, InDesign, EPS, or PDF. Please leave all layers editable just incase we need to make any small adjustments. 

The first thing we ask is to help us by naming you art files with the client name, PTOP reference number, and Power Tower unit type. For example: Client/SponsorName_PTOP01234_Classic. 

You can send files using our WeTransfer link at: In the WeTransfer message, please include your PTOP reference number. Please send files to

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